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IOS Keyboard Avoiding Toolbar with Navigation Header

In this example we will be making the toolbar on IOS be exactly over the keyboard when using react-navigation's header. If we were to just use the avoiding view like in our basic example then the toolbar would be under the keyboard. We can fix this by adding the keyboardVerticalOffset to our KeyboardAvoidingView. The keyboardVerticalOffset needs to be the top area inset + the headers height which on IOS is 44 on portrait and 32 on landscape.

const { top } = useSafeAreaInsets();
const { width, height } = useWindowDimensions();
const isLandscape = width > height;
const headerHeight = isLandscape ? 32 : 44;
const keyboardVerticalOffset = headerHeight + top;
behavior={Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'padding' : 'height'}
keyboardVerticalOffset={keyboardVerticalOffset} // <--- add this
<Toolbar editor={editor} />