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Custom CSS and Fonts

In this example we will be adding custom css and fonts

Adding/Overriding CSS

Each bridge, gives us the option to configureCSS. Some bridges come with css already configured in them, when we can override by configuring. Let's give an example by overriding the CodeBridge.

First let's define the css

const customCodeBlockCSS = `
code {
background-color: #ffdede;
border-radius: 0.25em;
border-color: #e45d5d;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
box-decoration-break: clone;
color: #cd4242;
font-size: 0.9rem;
padding: 0.25em;

Now let's configure the CodeBridge to use this css

const editor = useEditorBridge({
bridgeExtensions: [
// It is important to spread StarterKit BEFORE our extended plugin,
// as plugin duplicated will be ignored
CodeBridge.configureCSS(customCodeBlockCSS), // Custom codeblock css

NOTE calling configureCSS more than once will override the previous css.

Dynamically Updating CSS

Let's say we want to dynamically update css after the editor is initialized. We can do this with injectCSS. injectCSS receives two parameters:

  • css: the css to inject
  • tag: the tag of the stylesheet of which to inject the css into

When we call injectCSS it gets or creates a stylesheet with the given tag and updates it's css.

If we wanted to update our CodeBridge css after it has been initialized we could run


then this would replace or create the existing css with whatever we have given it.

Now let's say that we don't want to override a bridges existing css, we could do this by providing a custom tag

editor.injectCSS(ourCustomCSS, 'our-custom-tag');

This will create a new stylesheet with our-custom-tag and it will not override any bridge's custom css.

Adding Custom Fonts

Let's add a custom font to our Editor (we can also add custom css)

So first we need to download and convert our font, so we can inject it into the webview:

  1. Upload your font files to and check the 'base64' option. When you download the zip file, there will be a stylesheet.css file there.
  2. Copy the contents of the stylesheet.css into a new ts file and export it as a string.
export const ProtestRiotFont = `
font-family: 'Protest Riot';
src: url('data:font/woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,..........

Now we can use our font as follows

const customFont = `
* {
font-family: 'Protest Riot', sans-serif;

And inside our EditorBridge

const editor = useEditorBridge({
bridgeExtensions: [
// It is important to spread StarterKit BEFORE our extended plugin,
// as plugin duplicated will be ignored
CoreBridge.configureCSS(customFont), // Custom font